Thursday, March 20, 2008

Food for thought.

Worked a few hours extra today to try and get schiess (or should that be Scheisse?) machine working......for the uninitiated these are Vertical Boring machines,which,if I may add is a lot less interesting than it sounds if that were posible....and to think I wanted to be a teacher :(

Moved into the other shift for a while and had break with them,which on Thursday nights consists of Pizza/Chinese or some such.

Two of the lads had a meal deal which consists of 2 chicken Parmesans 10" Pizza,10" Garlic bread,Large Doner Kebab,2 bags of Chips,Garlic and Chilli sauce topped off with 2 cans of full fat Coke.This they ate within 45 minutes in an heroic display of gluttony.It obviously takes dedication to achieve such voluminous size and girth,consider me suitably impressed as well as somewhat nauseated.

There is no way that we (theBritish)will not succeed in catching the United States in the Obesity league table,which they have led so confidently for so long,with such dedication coming from our boys.....I salute you H and Mo.

Little Man Tate,Middlesbrough.

Went to see the outrageously brilliant Little Man Tate at the Arena in Boro last night.The Arena is the same building which was home to Middlesbrough Rock Garden in those heady Punk days of my youth.Certainly brought back some great memories......Undertones,Skids,Damned,UK subs etc.It's certainly changed though,no longer are there orange tables bolted to the floor with the little stage in the corner.Now the bands play upstairs and beer is £3.80 a pint compared to copious amounts + entry we got for a fiver in the days of yore.

Entertainment still top class though,first act were a local band (never caught their name) who tried but never really hit my spot (ooh err missus).Next band were theLines from Birmingham area,absolutely awesome,one of the best bands I've seen which i've never even heard of,if you get my meaning there?The Lead guitarist had a really great sound,I thought a bit of Kula Shaker and our Math went for Stone Roses but that's just cos I'm old and wise and knowledgable and he's a bit green but progressing nicely.

LMT played a great upbeat set and had me standing all self consciously wanting to get to the front and go apeshit but knowing that I was probably the oldest and certainly the baldest person there held me back........saw later on that the secret for oldies is to wear a beanie hat,knocks 10 years off you and maybe more when everyone's had a gallon !!
Next time I'm in the mosh with a Kangol on me knapper.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

It's been a while.

Just browsing and I remembered that I once had a blog (or two).Nice to look back at them and see whats changed.
Not a lot as it happens,still working at the same place,still unsatisfied with my lot but still in one piece and still taking the tablets!
I shall return far more hastily than before,though this was a promise I made 4 years ago so don't be hasty with the writ.

Hells teeth,all my old links have gone tits up...Tillymint is only allowing friends,Raised by chaffinches has changed....he was my blogging hero and tragically Nutgroist seems to have become sensible!!!

Time to find new friends and discover other random worlds.